Zugriffe: 2997

Bug Rug 1

After playing around for a couple of times with complex mechanics i desided to first build some simple robot to get at least something working :-).

So Bug Rug1 was designed.

Controlled by a simple PIC Controller and two bumper sensors on the front, he can find his way throug a simple room (no stairs please :-)

bugrug1_b.jpg (332864 Byte)

The circuits are powerd by 4 x 1,5V NiCa Accus.
Communication is reduced to a status display, telling what's going on in his (her?.. I thing it is male :-) brain.

bugrug1_a.jpg (319364 Byte)

The actuation is done by two hacked Servos.
The PIC provides the pulses for the servo but no speed controll is possible.
In fact the differences in speed between left and right were no problem at all.

bugrug1_c.jpg (370736 Byte)

The fantastic sound system extends it's capabilitys to the Max. - P E E P !-)

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